Unplush company produces artistic projects since its creation in 2015 in Bern. The company's ongoing research explores dance in relation to research in ethology and speculative narrative. Unplush observes constructions, existential strategies and non-human life forms.
The company develops dance workshops for professional, amateur and senior dancers. The company's pedagogical and creative practice focuses on notions of care, reconstruction and invention.
In 2018, UNPLUSH has been awarded a three-year support by PRAIRIE, the co-production model of Migros Kulturprozent for innovative Swiss theater and dance companies.
In 2019 UNPLUSH has been awarded the June Johnson Dance Price.
Unplush is involved in participatory, social and ecological projects, working alongside researchers, artists, activists and in partnership with local associations. Bringing together people from different generations and with different life experiences is the basis for a reflection on solidarity in artistic creation. The company's work reflects on our conditioning, our struggles and what collective experimentation can produce.
Unplush develops its artistic work thanks to the regular support of institutions in Switzerland and France, and specially thanks to the Dampfzentrale Bern, a partner since the first artistic experiments.
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