

  • 08.02.2025
    Festival Parallèle, KLAP & CCS
  • 3 - 5.04.2025
    Dampfzentrale Bern

The piece takes as its starting point the need for the performer to find a new path towards the act of dancing and the issues of representation. Inspired by the villainous creatures of classical ballet, the piece seeks a poetics of impure and fantastic figures. Creatures lurking in an unfulfilled future.

Concept and performance Marion Zurbach
Sound creation Zooey Agro
Costume creation Silvia Romanelli

Light design Nils Doucet
Dramaturgy Arthur Eskenazi
Oeil extérieur Johanna Hilari
Producer Maxine Devaud
Administration Raphaël Soleilhavoup
Pictures Simon Courchel

Ballet National de Marseille,Dampfzentrale Bern, Festival Parallèle Marseille, KLAP Maison pour la Danse à Marseille, Centre Culturel Suisse

CN D Maison pour la Danse Pantin
Tanzhaus Zürich 
SOMA Marseille

With the support of Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern, Pro Helvetia, Burgergemeinde Bern, Migros Engagement



  • 19 & 20.02.2025
    TOR6 Theaterhaus Bielefeld (GER)
  • 07.03.2025
    Festival Artdanthé Théâtre de Vanves & CCS

Les Héritier⋅x (The heirs) is a trio performed by dancers Évo Mine Lambillon and Pierre Piton, and renaissance flutist and electronic musician Stélios Lazarou.

The performance observes Orchésographie, the first manual of dance and choreographic writing, produced by Thoinot Arbeau (1588). It presents the most complete corpus of dances practiced in the 16th century.

The performance seeks to revive the Renaissance ballroom by revealing what goes through these dances. They are interpreted beyond their codified script and human boundaries.

With the support of Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS/Kultur Kanton Bern, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Burgergemeinde Bern, Fonds culturel de la Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA), Migros-Kulturprozent, Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung SIS, Gesellschaft zu Ober-Gerwern, Bürgi-Willert-Stiftung, Région Île-de-France - Danse élargie

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